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Juliet and Mark return to London but Juliet is unable to settle back into her previous life. She breaks up with him and starts to write about the society. When her manuscript is finished, she gives a copy to Sidney and posts another to the society.

There are two things movie watchers remember about David Lynch’s cult 2001 classic: a) that it’s bizarre AF, and b) that Naomi Watts and Laura Harring each give uber-sexy performances. The two star as Betty and Rita. Betty is a bright-eyed blonde aspiring actress, and Rita is a mysterious brunette who has no memory. Together, they uncover Rita’s identity, all while giving in to every sexual desire along the way.

The sequence opens with Xander driving in a car with Jordan King. He stops next to his apartment building. King makes sexual overtures to him and they get intimate. Suddenly they hear a noise and Xander goes to check it out. Cobb’s men show up and abduct King. They plant a bomb in the building and drop her coat on the steps to trick Xander to his death. After confronting a homeless man, Xander returns to the building. He takes the bait left by Cobb and his henchmen and is apparently blown apart by a huge explosion. His trademark coat survives the blast. Cobb shows up and picks up a piece of burnt skin from Xander’s neck which has the Triple X tattoo on it. He remarks “Poor Xander, you never had very much between the ears.” His men pick him up and drive off in their car. Cobb’s motives for killing Xander are obvious; he doesn’t want him to interfere in Deckert’s plans. “Feuer Frei” by Rammstein plays in the background during the sequence.

Actor turned director Natalie Morales (J.Law’s BFF in No Hard Feelings) delivers a teen comedy that not only cleverly plays into its double-entendre title but deserves a spot next to the genre’s top performers. As for its plot: A one-night stand sends two best friends in search of the morning-after pill (a.k.a. Plan B), forced to clear absurd yet hilarious hurdles at every turn. With reproductive rights on the chopping block these days, this one will resonate with you.

No less important than any of the above are the conditions under which the motion picture ideally is seen, where everything helps to dominate the spectators. They are taken from their everyday environment, partially isolated from others, and comfortably seated in a dark auditorium. The darkness concentrates their attention and prevents comparison of the image on the screen with surrounding objects or people. For a while, spectators live in the world the motion picture unfolds before them.