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Are you wavering between playing free casino games and stepping up to the world of real money? If so, take a look through the table below, which should help you to get your thoughts in focus and decide on the best possible path for you…
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Depending on the jurisdiction you reside in, online casino bonuses may or may not be available to you. While most of them are in connection with making a deposit, there’s one special type of offer where no money needs to be spent to claim it- it’s called the no deposit bonus.
Are you wavering between playing free casino games and stepping up to the world of real money? If so, take a look through the table below, which should help you to get your thoughts in focus and decide on the best possible path for you…
Playing free slots online is so much fun it can be easy to lose track of time. Make sure you set a timer for regular breaks to step away from the screen. Playing casino games should only ever be fun, and whether you’re wagering real money or playing for free, it’s important to gamble responsibly.
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Casinos online no Brasil
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Inicialmente, os jogos de cassino online eram versões virtuais das mesas e máquinas tradicionais. No entanto, a evolução tecnológica tem dado origem a várias categorias novas, como o crash games e os Megaways.
Até o final de 2024, será analisado o registro definitivo desses 219 sites. Quem cumprir com os requisitos e for aprovado será considerado, oficialmente, um cassino online legalizado no Brasil. Confira a lista:
O prazo para as casas de apostas solicitarem licença ao Governo Federal se esgotou em setembro e 219 sites tiveram o registro pré aprovado. Além disso, 18 operadoras conseguiram autorização estadual, incluindo a Caesars Brasil e Esportes da Sorte.
A partir daí, os cassinos online ficaram em uma “zona cinzenta da lei”, onde não eram nem proibidos e nem permitidos. A regulamentação só ocorreu com a Lei nº 14.790/2023, que passará a vigorar integralmente a partir de janeiro de 2025.